Sunday, July 17, 2011

I watched Glenn Beck this morning?

Do you see by the liberal answers on here that they just don't get it? Beck has shown videos of Socialist and Communist groups standing and protesting with the unions and they still don't get it. You could show them videos of Democrats stomping puppies to death and they would blow it off as, "one incident", or "one person". But you show them a video of and old lady holding up the American flag at a Tea Party rally and the Dems scream "Terrorist" or "Hate-monger" and accuse everyone in the video of the same. Liberals are pathetic......they excuse blatant anti-American hate speech by liberals caught on tape while accusing a little old lady sitting in a chair of being a racist. And as far as Beck is concerned, to liberals it doesn't matter.....If you simply put the word Beck in front of any definitive proof, they will say he's lying or he's crazy......of course presenting no counter-proof of their own.

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