Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to fight for your right to pass a course in college?

I am taking an introduction core requirement course for my major "Health Education" in college. I must pass this class in order to move on to the next level. The professor grades on total points out of 100. The assignments in the course include community profile/health assessment of a particular chosen neighborhood. I receive 10 out of 15 points for this assignment, so I have 85 points total out of 100. The professor gave me a "no credit" and recommends me to repeat this course next semester because my community profile paper was not that organized, but still I received credit for this assignment. The professor told me that my writing has improved and I will be a good health educator, but she still wants to fail me. I turn in all assignments on time and attend class everyday, and have 85 points total enough to pass the class. Is it right for the professor to fail me just because of this paper? What should I do? Any suggestions would be helpful. I appreciate it. Thanks.

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