Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Should Preschool Kids Wear Uniforms In Schools?

I believe that all schools should have uniforms. It forces kids to get to know one another for who they are on the inside instead of judging them by what they wear. Too many kids these days are materialistic. They won't talk to other kids if their clothes are dingy or the wrong brand. Clothes don't make a person, the person inside does. If everyone wore the same thing, then there would less cliques in schools. I also think that it would boost creativity in new ways. Kids want to say that their clothes are an expression of who they are, and I agree to a point. Wear those clothes outside of school. Learn to express who you are through arts like music, dance, painting, drawing, singing, poetry, or short stories. There are so many ways to express who we are and what we believe, but most kids are being limited to expressing themselves through materialistic means. Clothes, i-pods, facebook pages, makeup, and cars. It's time to find out WHO people are, not what they own.

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