Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How many illegals are going to be fleeing from Obama once the new Alabama law goes into effect?

After Ga. passed their bill on immigrants there was such an exodus now we have prisoners/probationers in the fields picking produce

When you sign onto the Army, Do you get your bonuses and incentives right away?

This will be my senior year and im thinkin bout signin up to the army and was told maybe around october i could sign up and was wondering i if i will recieve my bonuses right away or later on after basics or what??


honey, dont meet up with folks you meet on fb. there are a billion BILLION other guys out there for you sweetie. If this guy is acting this way towards you asking you for "touching kissing, etc." i dont think he's the one hun. And you are NOT ugly, i know you aren't dont ever believe anyone,because they say that because they hate the way they look. I bet you are a beautiful girl. I think you should leave this guy alone. He may say he's a christian, but does he REALLY act like one? There's other guys out there for you that will love and respect you like no other, trust me, there are.

Am I on the right track to Princeton? Chance me!?

Everyone applying to Harvard has the highest grades in the hardest classes and very high test scores, and they took fewer than 5% of applicants this year. You need all that, and you need a lot more to have a decent chance. Weighted GPAs don't matter; every high school has their own weighting system. Colleges ask for unweighted. Right now, you're an average applicant at best. You need to find a way to get involved with your future major now if you want to have a shot at a great school. You also need to convince them that they're the best place for you, and that's not obvious from this. What can Harvard get you that no one else can, beside the name?

Should private schools and homeschooling be eliminated?

Eliminated? No. But should home schoolers and private schools be held to some kind of standard for education? Yes. By registering, and testing the home schooled and private schooled children yo could at least ensure they are receiving a quality education. Because home schools and private schools receive no public funds, nor should they, they also do not have to meet current state requirements and standards.

1.) Determine all discontinuities that exist on the graph of y = f(x) shown below. Please show your reasoning?

The system is unable to access the cookie that was assigned to your computer upon login. The most likely cause of this problem is an improper access to the course via a bookmark, browser window that was left open, or an improper exit from the system. SORRY

What's your honest opinion on this?

That is so creative, descriptive, and WOW!! :D :D :D Honestly, I love it... it sinks down in your heart, and once you start reading, you can't stop. I love it sooo much, wow!!!

What's wrong with my belly button piercing? I really need help.?

Try crushing up aspirin and mixing it with a little water to make an aspirin paste. Put that on both holes of the piercing 1-2 times a day for a few weeks. It SHOULD help. If not, you have a bad infection and need antibiotics.. an emergency room can give them to you. But you're doing the right thing but not removing it. You don't want an infection trapped inside it.

Is it wrong to feel really proud, after giving birth to a particularly impressive poop?

It was born in one whole piece, brought tears to my eyes and was similar in scale to a king size mars bar. Took me multiple flushes to get it round the u bend. I'm smiling with pride and crying sweet, sweet salty tears while typing this. :)

Emulsifier for solution of salt, water and alcohol?

Only the lipids have to be emulsify, alcohol it can be mixed with salty water. you need a viscosity agent, perhaps Carboxy methyl celulose, if the salt concentration is not too high.

Girls,help?!?!?!please-10 pts for best answer!?

Ive been liking this girl at school for a while now and she knows i like her and thinks its cute i asked her if she likes me she said"no,im sorry" but then few weeks later shes been like quick glancing,staring and smiling at me then one day my friend got called up by one of her friends to come chill and the girl that i liked was there she asked if i was with him and told him to bring me with him then when i got there i just kept quiet talked a little then i smiled at her then she smiled back and we kept quick glancing or looking at each other-do you guys/girls know wsup cos im just feeling like what the?,another thing is my friend told me shes been giving me chances before to try and get something going on but i was just too shy to go up to her.oh and like two days ago my friend called me up and told me she was at summerschool so i said "yea imma bout to go out for a jog;)"lol then i ended jogging there so i could see her when i got there, the whole time i just kept quiet and she kept looking at me then she left after 10 mins-later on he said"dude why didnt you talk to her she wouldve just walked away when you just got here if she didnt like you,she was hella looking at you dude." i dont know guys/girls could it be cos im not like talking to her cos thats really what im thinking im just really too shy shes really beautiful real talk and i might just start to get nervous and i know im gonna studder and just turn red if i talk to her aha.PLEASE HELP!

Why the HELL did wendys ever change their fries..?!?

Today i went to wendys and got their fries (expecting them to be the same way they always used to be) and they were way too salty and way too BLEGH. Wendys used to be my favorite fast food place, but what the hell?? They should at least have the old version of fries avaliable.

How does it feels like for the first time?

Lol, i know u know what i mean. Im 18 and i still havent done it. Yes im scared that i might get preggo & im thingking bout my future. Anyways, how does it feels like doing it (and im asian) and waht dies it feel like after. Does it hurt if its only ur first time?? And for the first timers, what if the guys d_ _ k is huge will it hurts like really bad? How about if its small? Will it feel like fingering urself? I never like that kind i mas2rbation can someobe tell me why? Or uf im doing it wrong?? Can someone olease answer these? Im curious. Hehe, i want an informed answer. Ill give u the highest point!! :)) thanks! :))

OMG the big Period is coming up...?

I'm here with you sister! i got ben and jerry's right here with my beloved pringles. lol even ex-strippers get bloated and fatigued too, I recommend Moulin Rouge, greatest period movie ever.

Can you have a salt overdose.?

We all had a curry at work last night and most of us said how salty it was within 10 Min's of me eating mine i felt really dizzy and i started sweating.And with in an hour someone els was sick,can you have a salt overdose.

What are your opinions on my prologue from my new story?

thats good, answer mine please?? a href=";_ylt=AhX9Rbz_P7S96ZvKEzkfz5Xty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110629102547AAKld60";…/a

To Ann Beth- (U asked me to repost) I need help with this situation...?

I put this up bc I need help with this and I can't talk to my parents bout it. I figgured since no one knows me on here that would be great.

Why don't politicians address the most important problem the earth faces→ that being over-population?

Few people really think about the big picture. The media ignores the problem so most people are only vaguely aware that this problem exists at all and don't really understand the extent of it.

Why cant i stay wet during sex?

How should we know?? Also you should be ashamed of yourself for liking to admit your cheating on your boyfriend. Just keep in mind, what goes around comes around.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To all teachers of English, a question.?

Please know that familiarity with the acknowledged masters of English is the mark of an educated person. Much of our present day English is based on the writings of Shakespeare, hence the suggestions that students should read him. There are a thousand (?) levels of English courses. We might just as well teach: Milton, Dickens, Austen or Hemingway. English is taught and learned in levels from pre-school through post-PHD. I suggest you take your posting to an English teacher and ask that it be graded.

Foods to bring on a looooong road trip from MN to Washington D.C.?

For the drink I'd have to suggest J�gerbombs. A salty-sweet snack is a Pretzel twinkie. Take a twinkie and shove a few pretzel sticks into it. Zippy say it also cures ED.

I did Istikhara bout a girl i want to marry...?

I did Istikhara about a girl. The very first day, I got an alert from my bank thaT my account had been credited (still not very sure of the reason but know the source). I continued it for 7-days and on the 7th day I dreamt we were on a football pitch she was wearing a green and white jersey with a thin line of red. Someone played a shot which she pushed away, I picked up the rebound and scored her. We left the pitch together hand in hand smiling. It looks positive, but we're concerned bout the significance of the red stripe on her jersey. a green and white jersey with a thin line of red. Someone played a shot which she pushed away, I picked up the rebound and scored her. We left the pitch together hand in hand smiling. It looks positive, but we're concerned bout the significance of the red stripe on her jersey.

How does Internet access also cause problems?

The Internet was initially created in part to enable scientists and educators to share information quickly and efficiently. The advantages Internet access brings to our lives are evident, but does Internet access also cause problems?

Is it legal to drive students home?

Can educators drive a 10 year old student home without parent permission? My daughter did not have a ride home from school and the teacher would not let her call me at home. It is a long story, but the bottom line is that the teacher said she would either take her home herself, or get another parent to do it after choir practice. My husband and I are NOT okay with her driving home with anybody we do not know. It is my understanding that teachers have to go through the proper legal paperwork to take kids in their car. Is this true? Where are my legal rights as a parent when it comes to telling this teacher it is not okay for her to send my daughter home with another parent, and the teacher tells me that that it is then okay for my daughter to be kicked out of choir?

Double minor or suck it up and focus on one?

Go with physics. You can always take a few philosophy classes, but it's completely useless as a major.

Help what kind of candy is this?!?

It is an El Salvadorian fruit brand. My guess is that brown square is a tamarind, a sour and acidic bitter-sweet flavoured fruit used for sweets and many cuisines in Latin America.

My BM is salty tasting and a little slimy?

What do you mean that your baby doesn't like the milk after let down? How old is the baby? How long does he nurse for? What does he act like when you think the taste of the milk changes? Is he still hungry at this time? Do you feed him more? Do you know that you have many let downs during a feeding and not just one? It can be normal for breastmilk to taste salty. What symptoms do you have that would make you think that you have mastitis - you don't have any clogged milk ducts - do you have any redness, warmth, tender to touch areas of the breast or - fever, chills (flu like symptoms)?

Career Day Activity suggestions for a Health Educator Presenter!?

I was asked to present at a Career Day at a Local High School. I am a health educator. I will have 50minutes to present. I want some interesting activities that could help them understand the health education profession. I would hate for these students to have to just listen to me speak for 1hr straight. Any suggestions on activities??

Should I text him or wait....?

So me and this guy had a great convo in class one day and then I fb chatted with him 2 times and it was fun (and a little flirty/teasing). But I always started the convo and he ended them. I texted him a funny text and he responded we sent back and forth like only 2 messages then I said "You're waay to happy bout that =p K I g2g, text me later :) " and he responded with "No, you can text me :p kk bye bye! " .... .Now I have no clue what to do, should I text him back and what would I say............??? I like him but have no clue if he likes me

Do you think this is kinda sounds or make me look stupid?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to eat everything on your plate and wanting others to do the same. There are people all around the world who would kill for the scraps on your plate and yet they think YOU'RE the weird one for wanting to finish everything you get given.

I had a dream bout my friend mentioning bout me and him getting married?

i was sat at his place and we was talking bout me moving away and he said that isnt going to be good with us getting married i looked at him and he smiled and said yes us getting married and i just smiled back but felt happy inside i ave bin thinking bout him and i have started to ave feelings for him

Can anyone translate this video for me please?

i cant seem to understand what she is saying so i need someones help.*dsimpson47*mpos=1&spos=0&option=hidemenu&slt=HWr4jbwS9rKWY*2977*

Everyone What are you doin on the 4th?

Hey everyone hows it goin..Im just curiouse what everyone is doin this 4th of july.. As for me im thinkin of a cook out .. lite off some fireworks and fire off my salute cannon a time.. How bout you ???

I am reading "The Right To Be Out" by Stuart Biegel. What would be a good paper topic?

I want to write a paper concerning the topics discussed in Chapter Three of Part One, which is titled, "Challenges for LGBT Educators: The tension between rights on paper and the realities in the classroom." I am very intrigued by this chapter and what it has to say, but what would be a good question to explore further? Has anyone read this book?

2007 Dodge Nitro Shifting?

I just bought a dodge nitro bout 3 weeks ago and when i try to accelarate hard its a little rough but if i do it slowly its smooth as anything. does the tranny need service or does the transmission fluid need to be changed? any ideas?

Question bout batman lego for the wii?

I'm stuck on the part where batman an robin are chasing after the scarecrow in planes an he passes up this tank an his goons shoot it up an it catchs on fire the problem is what do I do when I get there I can't figure out how to get 2 him

Should we thank Newt for revealing that House Republicans are Right Wing Social Engineers?

I am glad to have learned the term, "Social Engineering". Thank you Newt.Maybe you are a good educator.

Is this an example of a good beginning paragraph? How did the author draw you into the story?

I personally think this was a good beginning. The author drew me in because Andrew said he was soon to be asked to go in this jungle, and I want to know what's going to happen to happen to him.

Have you ever been at a public pool?

when the lifeguards spot a "suspicious" object and order everyone out of the pool until they remove it? I think you all know what I'm "talkin bout".

Will the Oceans Natural Pump System shut down?

It will be long after your great grand children are dead and gone. Besides, you can't do anything about it anyway.

Looking for a video to help teacher relate to ELL students in classroom.?

I once saw a video in a grad school class for educators about ELL students, and can't seem to find it or any mention of it no matter how many ways I search! The presenter in the video showed a list of common English words, maybe 20 of them. The participants were asked if they knew the meaning of the words, they agreed that they did, and then the words were used in a paragraph that made NO sense, because it was a specialized business document... so even though the audience knew the words, they could not comprehend their meaning in the given context. Brilliant concept, would like to use it for a presentation I have to do for my coworkers about ELL education.

Is it Possible? To Become a to be a veterinary educator to High School students?

Okay, I want to be an animal education teacher, like how in My High School we have Academies with Majors Such as Health, Business, and Media. And there’s a Health Class where the teacher teaches the basic medical terms and how to work with patients. I want to be just like that teacher but instead teach them about Medical dealing with animals (Veterinary educator). 1 Is this even possible? And 2. What type of schooling/schools would I need to go for? Thank You : )

HELP!!opinion on poem pretty please:)?

i feel the cool breeze against my face as I gaze into the glowing sunset. It’s just me and the beach today. No one else. Just me. And the water breaking against the salty rocks. The warm sand melts my worries and the sound of the calming ocean washes away my fears. I lay on my back and stretch out from my toes to my fingers. My whole body relaxed. As I lay there, on the sand, feeling the sun, and feeling the peace inside my soul, everything is cleared from my mind. Everything. And not a thing can interrupt my peace. Feeling like I have just been born, with not a sin on my soul, not a germ on my body, or even a worry in my mind, I am, for once in my life, free. At Last. Everyone else is running. Everyone else is worrying…. but me? No. im free.

Should I look for another church?

There are two ways you could go with this. Talk to the ladies at your church about how you're feeling and see if any of them are willing to reach out to you. Or find another church where there are people you have more in common with. Pray about it and see what you think God wants for you.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why does my kitten have blood in his poo?

he bout 3 month and bout an 1hr ago i noticed little bit of lite colored blood in his poop he looks kinda like a clot

Liberal city Detroit suffers from 47% illiteracy rate? Why?

Their lack of understanding of the human nature is what gives. If you're given something for free you won't cherish it.

Should the compulsory education laws be abolished?

The first thing that should be done is abolish the teachers' unions. The second thing is we do away with vouchers for charter schools that are funded by those with radical agendas and replace them with vouchers for parents who pay taxes that enable their children to attend schools within the county, but not necessarily in their school district. Find out which schools are attracting the most students and why. Either do away with schools that are not functioning properly or implement new ideas that are making the other schools effective. Give more freedom to parents in home schooling. The government should not be able to decide how your children will be educated. If the kid doesn't aspire to go to college and be successful, then why should the government care? They don't seem to care when this occurs in our public education system.

Is it normal to not lose anything... and then suddenly drop a pound a day?

Use measurements not the scale. You need to make sure your getting all the right vitamins / minerals your missing out on, supplement them. 3lb is alot so make sure you do this, and i assume you are on a 1,500 deficit then. Which is ALOT so expect to burn threw muscle too, unless your Body Fat (BF% x LB) x 31 = 1,500+.

If schools have no money, then how can they afford to all those "donations" to the Democratic Party?

And what about the salaries of the heads of the teachers' unions, paying incompetent "educators" to stay in rubber rooms while their endless appeals for misconduct keep dragging, and paying bad teachers because the schools won't fire them?

How can i heal a cut on the inside of my lip?

The problem with trying to heal it is that you said yourself "im constantly biting the inside of my lower lip" which means that any healing at all would be disrupted by this. Perhaps a mouth guard like those worn by football players but based on what you wrote, the key seems to be getting to a dentist and resolving the cause, namely that you have bad teeth. No ointment, natural remedy or pill can work if you keep traumatizing the tissues.

Could ant infestation be caused by the shrubs being chopped down in our garden?

Our Landlord has recently removed ALL shrubbery from our front yard, which is directly underneath our kitchen window. We have since been invaded with ants in our kitchen. Our Landlord has said that this is the result of general untidiness within the house (which is not the case) so could it be caused by removal of the shrubbery and the recent bout of hot weather?. Thanks :)

If she lives with her boyfriend does she have to pay child support?

At the last court hearing I got custody of our two kids that she was willing to give up. She lives with her beau, she doesn't pay child support but I pay her $450 a month for maintenance and she's asking for more!! For her visitation she comes over with her boyfriend's car to pick up the kids and I'm sure that she maintains her for the most part because she's not working as far as I know. I gave her $10K to move out and she's expecting much more. She lives in a much bigger house than the 3 of us, and I'm afraid that one day she'll file for change of custody (bigger house, another partner). For the last year and a half she has abandoned the family for over 120 days and many late nights for yet another beau overseas. I work full time as an educator, take care of the kids, and she doesn't follow the visitation schedule for the kids. How can I put an end to this maintenance and collect child support to move to a bigger house? My lawyer tells me that I have to wait at least a year to ask for child support even though I have been paying her for a year while she lived in the the same house and I was paying for everything else too. She just moved out 2 months ago. The previous beau was so upset that I didn't let her relocate with the kids overseas that he started sending me lewd pics and love letters. All these things seem not to matter in court but she gave up the kids anyway. Do I have any chances of collecting child support and at the same time does she have a chance of regaining custody?

I have a boyfriend but like someone else..?

I have this boyfriend for 2 years but we've broken up a few times. Ive done him wrong cause i thought he did me wrong and everyone tells me i loved him an was hurt so i cheated on him but he says nothing was true bout him cheating on me an hes always beggin me to do things but then sayn he love me the next. So i recently found out his bestfriend brother likes me. And wanted me to meet him somewhere. And now i thinkvi kind of like cause whenever i see him i get tht good feeling. So i dnt kno if i should stay with my boyfriend or give the other guy a chance hes very nice to me.(:

I dunno what i should do... boyfriend or friends with benefits?

alright. so i met this guy at a dance and besically he approached me because i wasnt slutty and i turned him down when he tried to grind with me (pretty funny). anyways we met may 22 i think and we called it "chilling" together. not dating, or going out. we have been "chilling" every weekend, we hook up a lot and we get along very wellll. he is sooo sweet and nice. we text like all day!! yesterday i went to his house for the first time... all i can say is that he was a huuuge creep!! but i didnt really say/ do anything bout it. we were in his bed just cuddling and macing. but then he undid my belt and shorts. he didnt try to do anything, but he was kinda hinting that he wanted to finger me. he was saying "well my hands in your control, you make it do what ever you want" and me acting dumb said "well its your hand, do what ever you want with it" so he just kept on joking arround saying that it does what ever i want, and then he was like " well my fingers are working" and i just laughed. i actually have never liked a guy like him before, he treats me so well and doesnt pressure me to do anything i dont wanna do. even though he was a bit of a creep yesterday, i still like him. but the problem is.. i dont know what we are!! i feel like we are together right? but we arent even facebook official! we never talk about our relationship, and im not going to bring it up because im scared itll ruin things.... what do you guys think about all this? thank you!! and sorry for the long story.

What are some efffective techniques for an urban educator in trying to reach a group of apathetic innercity?

No way I would be a government school teacher. That job sucks, the kids don't give a **** because they're not paying, and same with the parents. The teachers start to not give a **** because they're going to collect their paycheck regardless, and the kids will be back next year, regardless. End government schools.

Math question plz help?

Sorry, it seems than your link cannot be followed. I tried but my computer told me that I didn't have the appropriate cookies to access the site.



Whats wrong with my dog?

She has red, irritated skin between her toes and the skin around her nails looks painful. She is an 8 month old Jack Russell x Shi Tzu. I heard that Shi Tzu's are prone to skin conditions? I'm not sure if it's true though. I have been appliying salty water onto her paws and the irritated skin. We will take her to the vet next week soometime. What is wrong with my dog?

Why is my saliva thick and taste salty?

It seems like you have do not drink enough water. And the jacket thing... I think its just a coincidence

Does rain water taste salty?

No, rain is condensed evaporated water so it's pure when it forms in the clouds. The only things that can be dissolved in it are gasses from the air so you get acid rain from sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides creating mild sulphuric acid and nitric acid. That would taste slightly sour, a bit like vinegar or lemon juice,

Why do american women think that asian women are submissive and why do they get made if I married one?

....I'm Asian, and I don't agree with your point...and all of my mom's friends who had white boyfriends all treated them like s***, and got really cheap gifts, and never actually ever got any benefits from their relationship....except for one, but he was a doctor...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pain on lower back right side, and under right ribcage. What is this pain?

i really dont know much about that, but i get that feeling every time i wake up, but i always get rid of it with push-ups, like more that forty of em

Please help me with this worksheet?

Im doing an ultrasound tomorrow try to guess my baby gender with my food cravings :)?

Okay I am craving meat ,cheese, salty foods, peanut butter ,and Chocolate, also pastries and i was never a pastries fan! no headaches, a lil bit of nausea not to much, i feel the baby on the left side. Hmm what else , my feet are warm not cold .my hair looks pretty good and my face is clear!

What's something you can't eat/drink after having vinegar?

I have a habit of dipping chips or anything salty in vinegar. Sometimes I go overboard and have a spoonful with salt. Ah... addiction... So if I suddenly go hungry and need to eat/drink something yummy, what would give me a stomachache?

Mouth burning when eating?

You know that bit of extra skin inside the corner of your mouth that people like to bite sometimes? Well, I bit down on it quite a lot after getting into a habit of it, and it got pretty swollen and chewed up very bad. But this one is different, when I eat anything acidic, (e.g. Apples, oranges, ketchup, mustard, pickles, tomato sauce) I will experience the most awful burning pain when it comes in contact with that part I chewed up, and it makes it hard to eat anything. I never noticed how salty or acidic our day-to-day foods were until now (yes, salt hurts it very bad too, as well as soda). So i know the culprit, but I wonder if you guys have any suggestions on how to help it? Or will i just have to let it heal?

Do you think kids today have more insight and perspective than they ever used to?

I think they do about certain things. On the other hand, there are certain things about which they have less perspective than my generation did. For example, young people today seem to be under the impression that their lives should be centered around their favorite celebrity or reality show; that what their celebrity of choice says, wears, and behaves is something to be modeled. When I was young my peers certainly enjoyed popular culture and emulated certain things, but they didn't seem to mistake it for reality or place excessive importance on it the way many of today's youth do. Many kids today don't seem to have any awareness of their own immaturity, lack of impulse control, or self-centeredness. Yes, I think that the Internet, media, and other technology plays a huge role in this, but other factors such as a lack of parental or adult guidance also plays a part.

What brest enhancement medication can I use to get atleast 2 cups bigger?

Im 21. I had big ****. I loved it. Bout the only thing I loved about myself, then not so much when I lost 30 lbs from high school. My boyfriend is a tit guy, Im an *** person. But i definitely want bigger ****. I have a nice tan, and look decent in a bathing suit. What medication can i patiently use to make my breasts larger? You'd be my godess to help me..

Is It Bad To Have S. E. X. ?

okay so im 14 and ive been with this amazing guy for a while now hes 15 but the same grade, were gonna be going into highschool, he lives in a differnet town than me but we still make plans so i can go there and we can see it each other, but were serious and truelly love each other and were thinking bout having sex, but a friend of mine said no we shouldnt unless i would like to become a super slut.. so now im confused and no he isnt pushing or rushing me, we thought bout it and talked bout it. answers please?

What does it mean when my ex wants me 2 know bout his new gf?

i was texting 1 of my bffs and she told me that my ex wanted me 2 know that he was dating 1 of my friends and then it happened the next day w/ a different friend so y does he want me 2 know that my friends keep telling me it just 2 make me jealous

What job in this society can one do that will make them closer to God?

Aka a job where you don't brown nose(business) because thats unholy, a job where you don't have to influence people to do something they don't want(sales, retail) A job where you don't support unhealthy foods that threaten lives.(fast food) a job where you don't teach something that you wouldnt teach your kids(schools) a job where your not educating people when your proffession means educator(Doctor). Anyone know?

Is it normal for a 13 year old boy to be atracted to his teacher?

I noticed my son staring at his teacher and after a long discussion I think I taught him not to stare. I was wondering is it normal for him to be attracted to his teacher because I wasn't even attracted to women until I was 15 and didn't date until the day after my 16th birthday. Although I was never attracted to my teachers to me they were just educators(aka the enemy).

Help me.. m becoming paranoid bout my pregnancy?

i have become a paranoid.. i am having my periods regularly .. even the home pregnancy test is negative.. still there is only one thought in my mind... am i still pregnant... its been 5 months since i had sex... Please Help

When i walk i shake and feel like falling down?

maybe you need to eat more. or your sick. if thats all you ate all day you should def eat more and drink water too. dehydration can make you dizzy.

Bout my pet spider please read?

i have a really tiny spider in a sandwhich box nd i put holes in will i live its normall life if i put insects for it to feed off and does the insects have be small or big ??

Which combination of foods should I have for breakfast?

Usually those "health" bars are anything but healthy. I'd cut those completely out of my diet if I were you. 170 calories for one bar? That's crazy. That's 1/2 of a meal's calories right there. I'd cut out the raisin bread and I'd get 35 calorie bread at the store. Nickles and also Aunt Millie's makes 35 calorie wheat bread. I use that. If I were you, what I would eat for breakfast is FiberOne's only 60 calories per serving and only 100 calories with 1 % or skim milk. That's what I eat. Oatmeal is pretty good too though as long it's the unflavored kind and has low calories. I wouldn't pick any of those 3 at all....none of those are as good as what I suggested. 35 calorie wheat bread and FiberOne Cereal...make sure you get the 60 calorie version...there are multiple versions of FiberOne.


girl, my friend had a guy kind of like this. he was a player, rumors said he's had sex, he says he loves her one day and hates her the next. she believed that he was a good person too. they went out for less than 24 hours, and she hated him. despised him. she believed that he could change and he made her happy but the truth was that he was a selfish b-tch and she was blinded by her own happiness and liking towards him that she was really hurt inside. if you want to get yourself into this, go ahead. if it works out, then you're lucky, girl. if not, then he's just a dirty player.

What do you do after the most important person in your life left you?

that was a bit of an understatement actually. where do ya go now that the person that was your life.. the one who made you happy and whole and made all efforts worth while, left you? kicked ya to the curb and so easily walked off.. well i've accepted it now and i do want to move forward, only prob is what do i do with my life now?/how in the world do i move on when i cant forget anything. he was my everything/i made him that so now it feels as if i have nothing. i wanna be happy like i used to be but i dont know how, all tha things i used to care bout/used to interest me, i stopped caring bout them, what do i have to care bout (besides church, family, friends) i fl like theres an empty place now.. and no matter who ive ended up dating they dont fill that/replace or compare to what i had with him. honestly i still miss him like crazy and still get upset over it sometimes (its been over half a year.. i kno i know im pathetic :/) nvr was over a guy b4 him tho :/ my pride used to be so important, but i know id still risk everything for this guy who obviously just stopped caring, in a heartbeat :(.. it still feels like just yesterday we were holdin hands, walkin outside in the sunshine laughing and pickin, his presence making my heart beat faster and slower at the same time and my tummy havin so many butterflys lol and we were just relating, convo flowing and making each other just smile. and seems like the day 4 that we were holdin each other tight then gently and sweetly kissing, and he was just petting me right before we fell asleep on each other).. my heart still hurts, and i know ill have a empty place there where he still has parta ma heart always, but i wanna know how i can stop feeling so dang down and empty/incomplete w/o him.. how do i shake this endless deppression and be happy regardless of my broken heart? sorry bout tha longness lol and appreciate any advise y'all, thank yas. :)

Is anyone familiar with Cal/West Educators Recruitment?

I am in the process of getting my Masters in Education and will soon be interviewing for teaching positions. I am considering using the company Cal/West Educators Recruitment to help me find a job in California. Is anyone familiar with them? Are they any good? I could not find any specific reviews online. Thanks.

Why doesn't alcohol seem to affect me?

First thing that affects tolerance is genetics. It is also what you were drinking. My best friend is about your size, maybe even smaller and made it to 21 shots in 2 hours on her 21st without getting real sick (Not recommended of course). The jello shots have less than a half oz of alcohol usually and the mixed shots that you only had half of also have less alcohol than taking shots from a bottle.

I watched Glenn Beck this morning?

Do you see by the liberal answers on here that they just don't get it? Beck has shown videos of Socialist and Communist groups standing and protesting with the unions and they still don't get it. You could show them videos of Democrats stomping puppies to death and they would blow it off as, "one incident", or "one person". But you show them a video of and old lady holding up the American flag at a Tea Party rally and the Dems scream "Terrorist" or "Hate-monger" and accuse everyone in the video of the same. Liberals are pathetic......they excuse blatant anti-American hate speech by liberals caught on tape while accusing a little old lady sitting in a chair of being a racist. And as far as Beck is concerned, to liberals it doesn't matter.....If you simply put the word Beck in front of any definitive proof, they will say he's lying or he's crazy......of course presenting no counter-proof of their own.

Why is there a so called African American Culture, when there is no A.A. Flag. Like the Jews & Arabs?

maybe it's because "african american(or black)" is a race/nationality while "jew" and "arab" are religious groups. and if blacks had a flag, hispanics and asians would probably want one too. also- african americans, just like other races/ nationalities/ ethnic groups have ancestors who may be caucasian, asian, hispanic, native american, etc.

Got a question bout cm punk on raw?

"breaking the 4th wall" means he's saying more than he should be saying like if you have a wall, people can't see what's behind it. breaking down the 4th wall means there are no more walls standing meaning everyone can see what would otherwise be not revealed, ie the mention of ROH.

What does salty dalty mean?

This is my nickname and has been for over a year and I am cool with it... I just want to know what it mean?

Should I hold back my daughter or change schools?

To an extent I share your concern. Please have her tested outside of her current school and pay attention to the results./

How can i get an older girl to like me?

so i like this older girl she is 25 and im 21 we have know each other for bout 10 yrs since i was 10 and i feel like if i do a move on her it might be very weird because we have know each other for so long....there are time when she look at me and smiles... lately when we go out with a group of friends it looks like we have a good time but i feel like i might be taking it the wrong way i have no clue what to do. i want to get with her but i feel like we are completly different and she might not like me


ask him y worry were all only her once. but i would defo say he does txt sound a little bit cheesy tho lol ! !

Would completing a 120v circuit kill you?

pending how long you completed the circuit for. for a second no, I did it by holding the prongs of an extension cord while plugging it in when I was a kid. Shocked the S*&^ out of me but did not stop my heart. But prolonged electrocution will eventually kill you, I would say a continuous 10 seconds to a min would do it. But I am not sure on the low number, just don't try.

Those who speak English, can you help?

How do you call a school teacher who is responsible for one class (organises meetings, trips, etc)?? Is it a tutor, schoolmaster, educator or some other name?

Piercings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Guys answer the 2nd question!)?

yes your hole will close up go on youtube and look at ways to hide your piercings some of them are really good you can youse it for half the day and take it out for the other half

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Quite severe salt cravings?

Ask your doctor. They ar ethe only ones that can really diagnose you with a medical condition, if this really is one. If not, then you probably just have really bad craving swings.

How's your day going so far?

Mine's is awesome. I visited my parents today. My dad didn't call me a loser like he usually did. He never liked that I was into rock music. I helped an old lady cross the street and helped someone buy contact lens solution. what bout you?

Are my habits leading to Anorexia?

I know you really don't want to hear this, but i've been dealing with anorexia for about a year now. And yes, it sucks. i'd have to be dumb to think i was fat. I mean im 90 pounds, 5'4" and 17 years old. But, whenever i look in the mirror i see myself as being fat, and i feel fat whenever i eat. But i've gotten through it lately. I eat light foods in small amounts throughout the day, this way you don't feel full, and you aren't totally stopping either. This is what i had to do to become healthier again. But, please don't lean towards anorexia. People that struggle with anorexia never truly get over the disease. It's truly terrible and you will feel as if there's no way out. If you really want to lose weight and actually feel good about yourself..then hit up the gym! Working out makes you feel good about your body rather than just starving yourself. I know im not one to talk, but if i could go back and change my anorexia, i would.

Why do I sweat a lot?

Ok I sweat A LOT. WHen it's super hot out, i start sweating like crazy.. the entire back of my shirt gets drenched with sweat, but i'm not unhealthy. i take care of myself, and i'm in good shape I swim competitively from Mon to Sat every week, and now i started water polo and badminton. Water polo is 4 days a week and its hella intense. But when i do badminton or any running or any intense avtivity out of the water, i sweat a lot. during conditioning, I staart sweating like crazyyyy. Buckets of sweat going down my face, and back.. and blaahh blah. i eat whatever i can.. but i like to eat junk food. i dont eat really really salty foods. i also eat my fruits and veggies.. and i hav ish ish of a well balanced how do i stop sweating buckets and start sweating like a normal person?

Is he fallin in love with me or what?

I'm 20...he's 35...we've been flirting off and on for about a month now. We were messaging each other on facebook and I told him, "Have a good night dear!" and he replied with a "Have a good night sweetie pie sugar drops!" I kind of poked fun at him for calling me that. Told him to sleep well once more and then he replies with this: "it was just off the top of my head... and as i was typing i don't even know why i guess we are good friends of course but it caught me off guard i bout said gnite i love you lol without thinking about it then i didn't but gnite to you 2 dear :)" So we haven't even really went on a date yet...but we lived right next door to each other for almost 2 years. We haven't seen each other in more than a year.....and now we've talking again for about a month or so. What does this mean?

I need girl fighting tips please,?

Well there's a girl that i really don't like because she fuckedwith me and my befriends relationship and then lied to me about it. She's bout 95 pounds and five feet tall. I'm 125 and about 5'6. Do you think there's any chance of me kicking her ***? And tips would be nice, (: I'm not Gunna use a bat or a shank either. Lmao so don't suggest that thank you (:

What is French toast suppose to taste like?

either u didn't stir it enough or u soaked it to long so if u make again watch for the things i meantioned i love french toast

Is he hinting that he loves me?

I'm 20...he's 35...we've been flirting off and on for about a month now. We were messaging each other on facebook and I told him, "Have a good night dear!" and he replied with a "Have a good night sweetie pie sugar drops!" I kind of poked fun at him for calling me that. Told him to sleep well once more and then he replies with this: "it was just off the top of my head... and as i was typing i don't even know why i guess we are good friends of course but it caught me off guard i bout said gnite i love you lol without thinking about it then i didn't but gnite to you 2 dear :)" So we haven't even really went on a date yet...but we lived right next door to each other for almost 2 years. We haven't seen each other in more than a year.....and now we've talking again for about a month or so. What does this mean?

I put tcp on my cat!!?

I hate to tell you this but you need to call an emergency vet or animal poison control. 1-888-426-4435. It will cost $65. They can direct you on what treatment to seek. Phenol is terribly toxic to cats. It can be corrosive just on the skin. Many toxins can slowly take effect on cats, but you want to get treatment before it affects liver and kidneys. It might be the best $65 you'll spend in a while. Good luck.

Why are lakes in the uk not salty?

Most generally lakes around the world are freshwater. Lakes often get form when a basin fills with freshwater over time.... The can be fed by rain, freshwater ground runoff, a river or stream, or even freshwater springs. I do know it is possible for a lake to be salty, like the one in Utah that is really famous... But that is unusual.

What can I do with a music degree?

I am currently in college as a music major. I am enjoying college life and I think it's good for me. However, I've been wondering this for a while now...What can I do with a degree in music? Say, a Bachelors? I can think of music educator and performer. I'm sure there are other occupations in the field of music, but what are they?

Anyone interested in playing black ops hctd on 360 with a pro?

jk bout being a pro but i consider my self decent, im 15th prestige and i currently have a 3.54 win ratio and 2.14 kdr, 2.23 hctd all-time and my score per min. is like 195.30.. i have pleanty of friends that are great or good in this game but im always looking for more to play with. I strive to get better in cod by playing with and against the best, sometimes i even make alternate accounts and join my friends matches to battle against them when they have a full squad of killers.. When i first converted from halo to cod I sucked, 1.10 kd in WAW, but i stepped my game up a lil in MW2 1.43 kd..Now im quiet confident with my stats in blackops part of my improvement has to do with adding more and more solid friends.. Im looking for people to play HCTD with that are good or have the potential to be good like i do, i think good is someone who at least has a 2.50 kd and 200 score per min. please don't answer if your kdr is less than 1.80 or you dashboard to keep your kdr/rank up.. no racist either.. thanks

Where can I train to become a childbirth educator in Massachusetts or Rhode Island?

I want to be certified to teach childbirth classes, and I would like to find a training program in southern New England.

Why does my skin taste salty?

i just got a sun burn and my skin is peeling. i ate a big chunk and it was super salty. someone tell me why!

Boy problem, I just need help girl only?

So I extremly like this boy ad we slow danced together at semi formal, my friend put his arms around me and ditto on me, he didn't pull away, he keeped tugging me closer and our bodies touches later he asked fer my numba and wante dto ask me out but I thought my friend juss said tht cause I liked him I didn't have a phone at the time but then I got one and I was on fb and txtinnn so he aske for it so he asked quetions like who do you like etc then he called me but was laughing I think he pressed some wrong button web he was textin me, then he texted I love but I never thought anything of it, then he stopped answering my txt so I got upset and he said to my friend which she took my phone and took his number an was right rude and botchy to him and he got ad and said well I want to talk to her not you, then hiss like best friend texted me he was an ole crush of mine and was askin I heard you like him , and then he was like woul you eff him if you went put o was like sorry no I'd rather wait I'll married and he was sayin how rourke excrush had sex 3 times with 18 yr old he's 13-14 then he aske dig I was green cause Robbie boy who I like would wanna make out I don't even know how to makeout like how? And hold hands I was yeah I'm alright with tht, then rourke was like whatts bout bj or hj I was like um uh idk Idk idk! Please help it best answer as possible what I'm trying to ask is does Robbie like me and why is rourke askig about bj crap when Robbie diditn do anyhibg like that ever..

In Latin "Doctor" means educator, how come I don't feel educated after I see a doctor?

I feel like they rush us out and head for the next patient as soon as possible. Gosh damn a capitalist society.

Ms.Miller FLVS school help! Science class.... 6.03Assignment Worksheet: Limiting Factors?

Call Mrs. Miller, your teachers at Flvs are available to help you. That is what your teachers aee there for.

How to fight for your right to pass a course in college?

I am taking an introduction core requirement course for my major "Health Education" in college. I must pass this class in order to move on to the next level. The professor grades on total points out of 100. The assignments in the course include community profile/health assessment of a particular chosen neighborhood. I receive 10 out of 15 points for this assignment, so I have 85 points total out of 100. The professor gave me a "no credit" and recommends me to repeat this course next semester because my community profile paper was not that organized, but still I received credit for this assignment. The professor told me that my writing has improved and I will be a good health educator, but she still wants to fail me. I turn in all assignments on time and attend class everyday, and have 85 points total enough to pass the class. Is it right for the professor to fail me just because of this paper? What should I do? Any suggestions would be helpful. I appreciate it. Thanks.

Am I on the right track to Princeton?? Chance me!?

Not bad, you're looking pretty good if you keep up this level of work. You're looking at about a 1/3 chance of being accepted if you maintain what you're doing and that's almost as high as it gets for the top tier colleges.

Which table of values represents a horizontal line crossing the y-axis at 3? None of the above?*jorriols1*mpos=3&spos=0&slt=BCTu5pKxjl72g*3405*0021

Am i going insane? wats wrong wit me?

okay so i dont know wats going on in my head. i feel crazy! but sane at the same time. i can talk to myself for hours and i feel crazy bout it but i just cant stop! its just theres like multiple different me's inside my head u know? each one with a different personality. sometimes i get into fights with them but i know its just me actually? and somedays i just feel like doing crazy things like bursting out laughing maniacly for no reason! aand sometimes i feel hella depressed and i just sit around making fun of myself? idk y i do nit plz help me just tell me wats wrong wit myself and just to let u know thats not all of my problems but i dont hav suicidasl thoughts no.. but i do like thinking wat ill do in the afterlife i also like playing back thoughts in my head about the past and how they could of been better for me......i need help

Educators: What are your thoughts concerning the pending Tennessee law entitled "Don't Say Gay"?

Im not sure what it is but can guess because saying the word is being talked about everywhere. I dont think its a problem to say "that's gay" its just slang. jus like how the other word for a donkey is now used to refere to your butt. The same with female dog and the F word. I know gay people who dont get offended but i know that there are some that do. Its not an insult to them. I say it and im not against any1 who is gay. I used to be gay but changed for my family and daughter.

Is this food alright on a diet?

mostly, yes. but cut down on salty foods. eat lots of fruits. its really better to eat little portions , while having like 5 meals rather than 3. try to eat stuff about the size of your hand, every 2 hours to get your metabolism going .

Shud I be with him?Plz advice?

He says he likes me alot but the thing is he has a gf and he keeps saying he gna break up with her for me.;/ I feel bad bout this part also evry1 of his frends are major players and jus want sex so idk if he's like them cz how people say who u hang with says alot. I dnt knw if I shud move on or wait til he does break up and ask me out or if he just wants sex.?;(

The amount that people are uninformed is shocking to me. I would like peoples opinion of the following:?

Screw the "global" anything. I don't owe the world and nor does my tax dollars. I am for the "1 Nation Under God" Viva U.S. !

My Ex told me he wasnt sure if he had that connection with me after a year..?

I really Love him and he said he doesn know wat he wants and that there could be a future..he just has to get his life together before he can be serious with anyone..We went thru alot..we tlkd bout moving in together and got along well..he was always unsure if he wanted to be in a realtionship..but said i was one of the best people and he really cared..Do u think time away he'll realize he does carea bout me more then he thought? I know i treated him great and i think he took alot for granted..and he was alwasys kind wishy washy cuz he himself wasnt happy with himself and he has bad past realtionships..

Should I stay friends with my bff or not? Please please helppp :P?

VERY LONG STORY!!! ok so I met my bff like a lil over three years ago at my grandma's house and when she and I started hanging out my grandma told me that she was surprised that we were friends seeing as she used to have a nasty attitude...well I never saw her "attitude" and she eventually became my bff...well recently she has been actin kinda weird and talking about suicide and the like and I tried to help her and coach her thru everything but I'm beginning to think that she's just talkin out of her you know she's been in a really terrible mood and hates the world and everyone in it and I keep coaching her and giving her advice but everytime I look at my phone she's textin me bout how she hates this person or she hates ppl in general or life or what have I got a job an naturally have less time for her PLUS her negativity brings me down so I kinda avoid her and she started noticing and called me a b$&?! and when I ignored her text she called me a b!?&$! again and again and then she'll say sorry and then she'll call me a trick and then she texted me beggin her to be her friend since I'm basically her last but I pretty much have been ignoring her for close to two weeks...she e called my phone and left a voicemail inviting me and my bf to hang out with her on her bday...what should I do? I feel kinda bad for her but at the same time she crossed the line when she called me out of my name and I don't respect her or see her the same anymore...HELP?! should

How can I combine fashion and fitness together into one business?

I'm about to start my business in fashion retail selling Stella and Dot Jewelry and also bohemian and hippie style clothing (think Free People, Soul Flower, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters to get an idea of the style of clothing). I am also about to finish my degree in Health and Human Performance. I am trying to figure out how I can combine the two into one business. I want to sell the jewels and clothing and also offer my services as a personal trainer and health educator. Also I'm trying to come up with a name to call my business. Can anyone give me ideas on a way to combine the two and a good name to call my business.

What will the US presence in Afghanistan be after 2014?

Allegedly all combat troops will be removed from Afghanistan by 2014....but this does not mean their won't be trainers, CIA and special forces, special contractors, and places to test new weapons....maybe experimental educators and builders etc. What do you think the presence will consist of?

What is wrong with my blatter?!?

I am a 16 year old girl I'm 5"4 and 165 lbs I am alittle over weight and it seems that my pantys are never dry and they stain. It's not wet from being horny i know when it's because of that but in a normal basis my crotch and groin area and pantys are damp they don't smell fishy they smell like salty or sweaty pee I'm self conscious about it to take my pants off in front of anyone and the salty smell makes me embarrassed also help!?

I need help choosing a Major in college ...?

I loved American Government in High school .... What careers can i pursue besides being an educator.

Idk what wrong with me?Help?Im like swallowing some bittter/salty tastein stuff when i snort?

You know when u get a cold and sometimes you sniff or snort and swallow your snot i guess? well for the past 3-4 days everytime i do it tastes terrrible!!! like it tastes salty/bitter like litterally disgusting though when i blow my nose its clear maybe some is alittle green. About 2 weeks ago i started getting sick it started with a stuffy and runny nose then 4 days later i started getting a cough. i no longer have a runny nose but i have a cough here and there. Im also 25 weeks pregnant so i dont now if that would have anything to do with what im all of a sudden tasteing...anyone know what this is?

What is it like being an Early Chilhood Educator?

I'm taking this course in college and hope to become a preschool teacher, I know the basics but I want to hear more about the job or what you do at with your ECE degree? Thanks :)

I need help with a guy problem how do I tell him I'm done?

I've been talking to this guy lately and I've been wanting to hang out and he said he does but I don't know if that's true because when I'm not busy he says he's working or some stuff. And i can't take not seeing him. Monday night we were at the same part but he didn't come up to me because I was with my friends and I heard a rumor bout something. I want to tell him "I'm done" but I don't wanna make the wrong choice. I lost my virginity to him so it's hard. And he was dating my friend when she passed away/: I'm just scared.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What are some effective tools for urban educators in dealing with African American and Latino American student?

Broadly speaking, what policies implemented have reached targetted goals in improving academic success for the African American and Latino American student populations?

Is this a good short twisted story? (Beware very gory)?

that. was. amazing! you should publish this on a lot of people would love this! i know i do!!!

What is the best featured laptop with reasonable price to opt for a starter?

i just got into designin diploma... so i would be needin better graphics wd long battery and less probs of hangs and reboots. smone said dell or acer is gud... wat bout yuy?

Am i lovesick??????????

i miss my bf all the time and i try to text him and talk to him all the time its summer so i dont see him....i just cant get to sleep at night and i cant stop thinkin bout him...ughhhh am i lovesick

What is this a picture of?

we need a login to see the image. Try downloading the image or printscreening it, then reuploading it onto a weblink.

How to get rid of hair of private parts? wax, shaving or a hair removal cream? do all girls do it?

i have been confused bout this since long. too embarrassed to ask anybody i thought lets try here. do all girls remove hair of their private parts? is it a necessity before marriage? n how can it be done? by waxing, shaving or with a hair removal cream? which is the best option? is it normal to go into a parlour and ask for waxing ur private parts??? please help.

Faint line on pregnancy test 14 DPO? am I pregnant or should I wait a few more days to tell dh?

I'll say congrats! Any line on a pregnancy test if read within the indicated time means you are pregnant! You can always have confirmed with a blood test at your obgyn! Congrats!

How bout some natural relief?

I am not taking my meds. They are bad. I was hit by a car. That was bad. I broke everything. My spine is still broke years later and it really hurts. Cant smoke pot. Dont want opiates. How about something else? Is there anything else?

Chance me for schools?

I believe you have a fair chance at these schools. It's great that you are piling on these APs. It looks fabulous on your resume and it may ultimately earn you some college credit! :D Try to get 200+ on your PSATs during junior year. I know it doesn't really count for much, but you may earn National Merit Scholar and it looks good for your college application. As for your SATs, try to break 2000. I feel that 2000 is such a huge step over 1990 even though it's only a 10 point difference. Don't forget your SAT IIs! I can only speak for the Ivies, but you should try to get three SAT IIs. Work hard, keep up your grades, and good luck. :)

Why cant i stay wet during sex?

How should we know?? Also you should be ashamed of yourself for liking to admit your cheating on your boyfriend. Just keep in mind, what goes around comes around.


What is you schools max GPA? If it is 4.0 then your GPA is pretty good. If it is 5.0 then that definitely needs to go up. The SAT score definitely needs to go up if you want to get into Duke. You have a lot of extracurricular activities and community service, which definitely helps. Take as many AP courses as you can, colleges love those and you get some credit for them as well. If you can raise your SAT then you can definitely get into at least half of your top five.

Ankle and foot painful after running?

For a bout a year now I get this mild sprained ankle pain on my ankle and top side of my foot after I go running. Some times I get mild bruises at the top of my foot. I have rested it twice for 6 weeks at a time but it still occurs. I use an ankle sports support sock- it still aches after even a small run. I've just joined a gym and the reason I joined it was for the treadmills so what should I do?

Why do people say "you can compress a liquid" when the water at the bottom of the ocean is compressed?

... and salt water is more dense and non-brackish water-- so it's not like the density of water is fixed. Of course it's hard to compress. but a glass of potable water is far far less dense than salt water on the bottom of a super salty lake.

Im 19 and ive has protecton sex but is no protecton the same?

ok im 19. and have sex(with my boyfriend and a comdom) he wants to take it further with out the comdom. i said ill think bout it . but what do i say? i want kids but is it to early and does it feel the same? plz help

If I swim in any water with salt or chlorine will it damage my keratin hair treatment ?

I'm planning on getting my hair straightened with keratin treatment but will pool or salty water rip the keratin off ?

Do you think its appropriate to say something when you feel a teacher/educator is mistreating you?

Not sexually or anything physical. Snippyness and general attacks on a student, perhaps from personality clashes or disagreement about content.

Should i start paying for my own gas?

I am a 17 year old kid that has a summer job on a farm. i have a truck that gets like 15 mpg. I on average fill it up 1.5 to 2 weeks. I have no reason to save my money, im getting a settlement when im 18 from a car accident which will be easily over 20k. i think a good thing is i pay for my gas and parents pay for everything. but they dont complain bout gas soooo

( read description) does she want me?

Yea weird stupid question I know :D. I've never really been in a relationship b4. Cuz I prefer to keep to myself. But yea so I need your help :p. Well I've known her for bout 2 years. Shell call me every other day usually when were bout to hang up I usually hear those three words that confuse me " I love you" ( like a brother she said???)(calls me late at night often gets in trouble lol) course I'll say it back I'm not a jerk, I also threw away one if my best friends for her cuz he was callin her a whore n sh1t. But yea... Like I said I'm really not a people person so I'm a little confused >.< shes outta state btw in new jersey by now. But I hope someone with more experience will answer. Thank you

Does this sound like I'm getting played, or shes just got issues?

Dude, don't be a p*ssy. You're doing too much work and that's what she likes. In two months you'll be crying in a corner and cutting yourself (dramatization). Be a man, tell her to **** off and let's see what kind of response you get.

What nurseries in Manchester offer a professional paid internship?

After my training as a nursery nurse/educator i need to do an internship that takes 6 months. Do you know places in Manchester? Thanks x

How has Germanys' culture impacted the world.?

Like in literature, art, science, politics, religion, music, sports, fashion, entertainers, educators, ect

Friendship problems...?

I have a friend, a guy and he alwaiz says that me and my other friend are his besties..but i never rily believed so. Last day of school, everyone was signing shirts, he didn't get to sign mine but he signed hers saying 'i love u so much..ur my bestie' nd wen i saw him later on at his house where our group hang out..he signed my shirt, i signed his saying' love u so much..ur my bestie' nd he signed mine saying 'love u..never forget that' ? was a bit baffled cos he wrote sumink diff for her..lyk does he care more about her than me? or was it cos he wrote hers in the moment, when every1 was gettin emotional bout leaving school nd he wrote mine lyk hours later..i srsly dnt knw..shud i jst ask hiim?

For those who love reading!!!?

Its a good essay, but if its not in a newspaper then you should make it more personal, add stories of your own!

Am I on the right path to my dream university?

You are on the right track, but as a freshman there is no way to tell what your grades will be in the next two years. Recommendations are nice but since they are not from Princeton, they will only count as recommendations. Good luck and keep it up!

What is the penalty for an educator signing a time sheet for another employee?

It is going to vary from school district to school district - but it can vary from letter of reprimand to losing your contract (dismissal).

Anyone else experience this before?

I ovulated about a week ago and had unprotected sex during this time. Lately i have been waking up with a little facial swelling, going to the bathroom ALOT more. ive had minor headaches. and my boobs are very touchy. (more so my nipples than actual boob.)my appetite has changed quite a bit. i could usually go throughout the day barely eating, now its lik i wanna eat everything. ive been craving ALOT of salty foods. also, ive been really tired latey sleeping from 10-11 at night an not waking up until 1 sometimes 2 in the afternoon. despite my tiredness ive been in the mood to just clean the past few days. my period is expected the 25th this week.any help would be GREATLY appreciated! thanks :)"

Lamb: Is this a Greek dish or it's just a matter of Greek cooking / What is this?

the lamb is really soft and juicy and it slides off the bones which is really tender and tasty - it has a really wet soft sour and salty half potato and veggies with tzatziki sauce

What does a guys *** taste like?

I've herd it's salty and if you drink pinapple juice that it with become sweet.. Is it worth swallowing?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nurses Registration USA?

I would like to study MSc Nurse Educator in the USA. I understand that I need to register to any of the state board of nursing prior to applying to the University of interest. I am a fresh graduate; Without any post-registration experiences. Can I still apply for the nursing licensing? Please advice. Thank you.

Why did Walgreens discontinue the deerfield farms sunflower seeds?I can't eat the new ones.Bring back DF seeds?

There is no way the walgreens brand sunflower seeds are the same.I'm a very discriminate seed eater,have tried many brands over the years.Deerfield farms were the best.I sent my daughter into Walgreens to purchase some.She was told that walgreens brand were the same in a different package.That is definitely untrue.They are way too salty,not as roasted,not as large,virtually unedible.I wouldn't pay 50 cents for them,much less $1.99.If I can't get deerfield farms,I'll be forced to go back to David & son's brand.Walgreen will lose alot of my business in other ways as a resultcause many times I would go in for sunflower seeds & spend $50 or more on other things.Now if I have to go elsewhere for sunflower seeds,I'll make my other purchases elsewhere as well.Walgreens has made a huge mistake as I personally know others who preferred deerfield farms.

Can canker sore appear in your tongue?

I have this thing in my tongue, Its really tiny but really hurts so much, I cant eat anything salty, and other things. Im just wondering if its canker sore, or something else... :|

I'm confused, got two tiger oscar fish. woke night w splashing both were white, Wat cud it be? t?

At night I turn my tank off but as soon as I turned it back on their color got back.n they started swimming normal... I freaked. Read bout neon tetra n got suggestions on water temps.... but wen i barely tured d light on they looked pretty bad, floating almost, complications swimmin....Wat cud this be?? Wat shud I do....

How would someone who left school before passing year ten get the qualifications for uni?

wouldn't have left till graduation if the principal at Woodcrest college springfield QLD wasn't such a ... always took the side of the people who started it,don't regret leaving for any other reason apart from it ruining my future,norton sands hope you read this i can't think of an insult bad enough for hell of an educator you turned out to be(sarcasm so you know cause i remember you weren't too quick with sarcasm)

Teens: are you 're-inventing' yourself over summer?

I am, actually :). I've always been so obsessed with hot topic and being a scene kid or whatever but last year i realized that i REALLY love being girly and cute and my boyfriend has been encouraging it a lot and he's been buying me hollister and abercrombie clothes and its made me realize that i honestly love that style a LOT better and its soooo much more me

Is Abeka Acedemy DVD grade 10 hard!?

I'm bout to start it's my first year being home schooled and I'm in Abeka But they haven't sent things yet I'm in grade 10 and I was wondering if it was hard

What word am I looking for?

Okay right now I ate some salty food and my lips feels "inflated", but "inflated" isn't the word I am looking for, what word am I looking for?

Should Preschool Kids Wear Uniforms In Schools?

I strongly disagree with that. Making small children wear uniforms takes much creativity & fun out of their lives. School only takes up so much of their time, and they should be able to wear what they want at the least. I would be very mad if my son's school made him wear a uniform.

HELP: Is this safe? Want to wash engine and components due to salt-rusting?

wash metal with steam or power wash, dont wet the electronics, anything covered in plastic, salt should come off with water, but will oxidize your metal wash asap!

How do i become a childbirth educator and a doula?

is it a lot of schooling? and where are some schools in southern california that offer those programs...thanks soo much!

In regards to the social, educational, and economic roles the arts play in our communities should there be gov?

In regards to the social, educational, and economic roles the arts play in our communities should there be government funding for the arts? If so, why? If not, how do we replace the jobs of artists and arts educators and how do we replace that which the arts are doing to meet artistic, social, educational, and economic needs of our youth and public in our communities?

Is sending nude pics to a guy through Facebook something that will eventually catch up to me?

Okay, this guy and I have known one another for a bout a year and a few months now. He lives so far away from me, but we met through is sister who is a close friend of mine. I've never seen him in person, but God knows that if I did we would be perfect. He has a more mature mind than me, I'm very childish but he says he loves that about me, it keeps him from taking life so seriously sometimes. He loves talking to me other than when we're cyber loving and getting off to one another. He makes me laugh and feel good and special and I do the same. I call him my King and he calls me his Queen. I just really want to know if anything we write to one another or the pics we send one another can and will some day be seen by other people. I don't show my face at all, neither does he, just in case. It's just our bodies. So, is this something that will eventually catch up to me? I mean, I love the dude.

Why do child educators look down upon math and science?

So I am 13, at this assembly in school. This guy dressed as a clown comes in to teach us not to talk to strangers. He had people come up and do activities involving the arts, and the kids liked it. I did not raise my hand as I have always been more of a "nerd", and I have no musical talent with the guitar. I enjoy math, science, and education in general, but it annoyed me when the clown guy said "I'll sing a song about things all kids hate!" Then he started out like BROCCOLLI! SPINACH! CHORES!. But then he started yelling MATH, SCIENCE, SCHOOL, TEACHERS! and things like that. He is assuming that we are all stupid because we are kids, and he is disrespecting the teachers. I know I sound like a suck-up, but he is posing as a role model, yet he tells children at a school that is is right to despise education. The teachers were also enfuriated afterwards, scowling as he preached his biased words of "wisdom". I want to know why.

I'm in a sticky situation, please help?

I wouldn't trust him he sounds like a player to me!!!!! Yes he's probably a dream come true, but maybe you should learn more about him first!

How happy were you when you first watched the humancentipad and saw kyle eat ****?

i don't know bout you guys but i absolutely hate that little $hit. he is the whiniest little bit(h there ever was and seeing him get stapled to someones a$$ and have to eat $hit really put a smile on my face. how bout you guys?

Im 13 and my girlfriend is 14 we want to have sex but how do i make our first time special?

we have been toghter for 6 months goin on for 7 on 7-14-11 nd wen we make out we get afectinate and we do talk bout sex wen we make out nd she wants it to be sepcial nd if i did do it with her i would get a condom i want to have sex with her i really love her nd i cant imagine myself wit any1 else but how do i make it special nd could dis help us stregthen our realationship if we are in diffrent schools

Should i be worried about my brother?

My brother drank a 5 hour energy at noon(mountain time) and he said it didn't kick in till 2 and he is still hyper! And it 9 here now. Should I be worried bout him? Is this bad?

Should private schools and homeschooling be eliminated?

home and private schools are our last bastion against the total takeover of America by the leftist comuno-fascist state.

Any recipes for salt and vinegar chips?

Cut some potatoes into strips and chuck them into the deep fryer until they turn golden. then let them air for about 2 minutes while u drain the oil from them. when the have hardened a bit but are still warm and soft sprinkle some vinegar drops on the chips, don't use apple cider use normal vinegar. to do this u just drizzle on top but not to much just a little bit. then sprinkle some salt on the chips and your done

Why is the "Universal Theory of Gravity" taught in schools as a FACT?

I think whether evolution should be taught in schools is a much more important subject. Evolution was disproven long ago when we looked at fossil evidence and saw that there are many organisms whose structures have been preserved virtually unchanged over eons.

Read my story if you want to.?

So I'm bored and I'll like to tell you a story bout myself. I chew gum and i wrap it around my finger and chew my finger. is that normal? >33 LOL write a funny story of any type of story you have :D THANKS!

Why cant me an my girlfriend cant stop fight?

we fight every day like half hour we got in to a fight she say tht i go to break up with i not i love her i cant stop think or talk or dream bout her she say i go to break up with her form my ex i not go to why cant me an my girlfriend cant stop fight i need help

What is a paraprofessional educator?

I live in Illinois and have just begun looking into a paraprofessional educator certificate. However, I can't get a solid idea of what the position of a paraprofessional educator is exactly, Also, there's a two year program and just the certificate program. What's the difference? What jobs can I get with just the certificate?

Dream Interpretation of being lifted up in the air?

My dream was about attending an educational conference and I was in the mix of a lot of educators. An older woman approached me and identified herself as an educator, I did not say much to her. I saw the older woman outside again climbing wooden bleachers; she was going up very high and I was following her, and at one point I became scared. I held on the rails of the wooden bleachers and went back down. As I held on to the rails of the wooden bleachers, a man flying in the air grabbed my hand and I began to fly as well. While up in the air he kissed me, and my skirt lifted up in the air exposing my blue under garment. As I landed on the floor of a stadium, I walked towards an exit and this guy kept throwing ping pong balls at me and I threw the balls back and played ping pong for a short moment and I got out of there. While walking out of the stadium another guy grabbed my hand and said my new last name is Bayzon.

How can you possibly cry underwater?

unless you have crying faces when you cry, i doubt that it will be noticeable for someone to see that you are crying when underwater.

Is this a healthy weight?

Okay so im 5 foot 2 and weight bout 140 pounds my friends all say im not fat but i think i am. what is the healthy weight for someone my hieght?

What this guy is all bout?is he faithful,gud natured type??his planetary positions- Sun in 8 Vir46''58 ;Moon 4?

Cap 53'30 ;Mercury 27 Leo57'28 ;Venus 10Vir46'53 ;Mars 15 Can 46'34 ;Jupiter 24 Leo16'34 ;Saturn 16 Vir9'30 ;Uranus 17 Sco31'4 ;Neptune 17 Sag43'28 ;Pluto 17 Lib35''52 ;Ascendant 15 Can21'38 ;Midheaven 6 Aries23'48 . astrologers pls help.thank u in advance.

Is my vagina out of control?

My vagina keeps talking to me while I'm trying to sleep at night. It's voice is low and ominous and it won't stop even when I ask it to. Last night I woke up in a bout of sheer pain, and I realized my vagina was eating my hand. I got it our before it ate my thumb and pointer finger, but the other three are gone. I was too embarrassed to tell my doctor what really happened, so I'm turning to all of you. What should I do? I have it covered by a plastic bag right now, but it's quickly eating it's way out! Help!

First time sex questions?

ok first off you tasted it????????? that is weired second not everyone cn squirt and its nasty so dont worry about doing it. the liquid from your gspot is normal. and stop trying to prepare your self for sex i(does your parents know the house hold items you are using???)t is much more fun to have the experience of the akword sex. also woman have about 3 different stemulation areas there is your g spot(which you found) your clit(were you dont have to put anything in any were) then one more ara that is hard to discribe.

Is it wrong to the young students?

Chinese writing is based on simplify art representation of picture, and combination of those picture. If you find a better way of writing those character, I think people should change it, not stuck in stone age.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What can we do to support the "Don't say gay" campaign in our schools and bring about real reform for youth?

Something like this was done in Britain in the 1980's and took the best part of twenty years to repeal. Clause 22 (the anti-teaching about gay law) is still pretty much legal in Scotland and Northern Ireland, which is as near as we get to a state where backward religious hillbillies make the law. Be warned, America, let your religious and social rednecks enact bad law and you're pretty much stuck with it - this is one of many Tory laws dating from the Thatcher years that Blair's lily-livered useless bodies refused to repeal in its entity. After a succession of right-wing ideologues and maniacs we got Blair - after a succession of right-wing idiots and ideologues you got Obama. A seeming reformer who had more to do with preserving the old order than dismantling its injustices.

Any Experiences With Tri Cyclen Lo?

I am currently taking yasmin birth control but went to my doctor to get switched because I was starting early and would have random bouts of nausea. I have been on yasmin for close to three years now. My doctor suggested tri cyclen Lo but after reading some peoples experiences with it I'm a little scared. I have heard of weight gain and near psychotic moods. I am small and (to be honest) terrified of weight gain. I also have anxiety so I would not be able to handle the mood swings. Any opinions on this bc or advice?

What is an IEP? I see this referenced all the time but am unsure?

Perhaps this is the American equivilant of an Early childhood educator or Educational assistant??? Any help would be appreciated. thank yoi

Educational books and films?

There was an interesting article in the paper recently based on China and the boom in tutorial services. Many tutors are becoming very wealthy, because they are so highly regarded. One of the items they use, is power point, films, video etc, working on the theory that the kids have been in school all day, are tired and bored, and it's essential to catch their interest in order to teach them. If it works in the exreme of a tutorial system, it would surely work even beter in the school system, before the kids got bored and tired. You might try googling the topic.

Can i still join someday?

just as long as you're cleared you'll be fine of course they'll take you especially if you have a degree. Keep your head up.

Thinking bout going back to school borrowing $$ and using it to pay for college and to open a small business?

i already have a good paying career, however i dont want to grow old and not pursue my 2nd passion in life, which is baking. I'm thinking bout going back to school for an associates on culinary...and borrow some $$ with students loans pay my school and open a small business...i've made research and i actually wouldnt have any competition close by in this particular town...It be a CAKE SHOP friends say its too risky, to continue getting customers at home, and then later on open a cake shop, however i think if more people knew i exsisted they would surely come to my cake shop since there isnt one close by..........what do you think should i take a risk and borrown money from student loans and attend culinary classes at the same time? or should i just listen to my friends and mom and wait....

Which is more healthy?

Cutting out salty or sugary foods? I know for someone 40+ it's probably more healthy to cut out salty stuff, but what about for an 18 year old?

Just curious- thoughts about IB program?

Against sanity and reason, I love IB. Its different from the AP program because if you are bad in an area, you don't take that AP class and you are ok. In IB you are required to take 6 IB classes, one in each main area, and if you don't like it, you go to tutoring and pass the class anyway. You are also required to write a big paper (EE), do community service (CAS), and take a philosophy-like class (TOK) that is not required in the AP program. In my experience standard level IB classes are easier than AP classes which are easier than higher level IB classes. I'll be graduating next year from high school with an IB diploma (four highers, two standards) and an AP diploma (after taking a total of 11 APs). My IB classes are definitely more conscious of the fact that they are IB programs and therefore need to work and teach and run at a certain level of intelligence than APs that tend to be less formal because they can be. IB closes windows in areas like social life and personal freedom to design your own schedule but the classes and work are interesting and in my opinion are most definitely worth it.

What should i do??????????

i dont know what to do my i guess i can say friend j(his initial) is like so u dont believe anything i got 2 say bc he tlks crap behind my back and i really dont believe him but he acts like he doesnt care if we tlk or not or if im his friend because he says if u wanna talk to me thats great but if u dont thats your choice and he acts like he dont care wether i do tlk to him or not and then im already hiding stuff from him that i hope he doesnt findout like stuff bout me and his use to be bestfriend but still he acts like he dont care wether we r friends r not should i tell him all the stuff that im hiding from him even though his bestfriend told me not to tell this guy j which hangs out with j and what should i do tell him what im hiding from him and then say im sorry we cant talk or what?please help i dont kno what i should do tell him??

What are your favorite and least favorite mascaras?

I really like Lash Blast volume too, but I'm using L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes right now and I love it. The only downside is that it runs out pretty fast. I used to use Great Lash, and it is #1, probably only because it's been around for a long time and it was the best mascara when it came out so most people stick to it instead of changing brands. I also got a sample of Dior Show mascara once and I LOVED it! I would totally buy it if it wasn't so expensive.

Which one of the following descriptions best reflects how educators typically define students at risk?

Hmm..Both a and b could be correct, but I would lean towards A) students unlikely to acquire basic skills necessary for success in the adult world

I put to much salt in my cabbage how can i make it less salty tasting?

Pour off the water and refill it with fresh. Also, as someone mentioned, you can add a peeled potato to the cabbage. Just toss in the potato, don't cook it, and it will absorb some of the salt.

How to get salt off of pistachios?

I bought a huge batch of pistachios that are too salty. What's a safe and effective way to reduce the amount of salt on them?

Why am I so scared?!?

I'm currently 14 and am definetley sure I'm not ready for sex and have decided to wait till marriage!:) But I think the reason why I decided to wait is cause I'm terrified of how much it'll hurt and ill b constantly worried bout getting prego...but I'm scared cause I dnt wanna be scared to hav sex all my life jus cause I'm scared of the pain!:(( Any advice?! And did it hurt bad for u???(You don't hav to answer this one if u feel uncomfortable answerin it)...

Should Preschool Kids Wear Uniforms In Schools?

I believe that all schools should have uniforms. It forces kids to get to know one another for who they are on the inside instead of judging them by what they wear. Too many kids these days are materialistic. They won't talk to other kids if their clothes are dingy or the wrong brand. Clothes don't make a person, the person inside does. If everyone wore the same thing, then there would less cliques in schools. I also think that it would boost creativity in new ways. Kids want to say that their clothes are an expression of who they are, and I agree to a point. Wear those clothes outside of school. Learn to express who you are through arts like music, dance, painting, drawing, singing, poetry, or short stories. There are so many ways to express who we are and what we believe, but most kids are being limited to expressing themselves through materialistic means. Clothes, i-pods, facebook pages, makeup, and cars. It's time to find out WHO people are, not what they own.

What will the US presence in Afghanistan be after 2014?

Allegedly all combat troops will be removed from Afghanistan by 2014....but this does not mean their won't be trainers, CIA and special forces, special contractors, and places to test new weapons....maybe experimental educators and builders etc. What do you think the presence will consist of?

Fat burner that acctually works?

hey im a 15yr old male, bout 5'9 and weight 92kg. ive being going to the gym for about 2years on and of and have bulked up for my age. as i lost 20kg when i was younger, i still have a bit of exess fat which is blocking my muscle from showing. i eat right and play soccer 6times a week but the fat is stuborn and wont leave. i brought a fat burner called "carnitine". when i got it i lost bout 2kg but then it didnt nothing for me, i was hoping if anyone could help me with a great fat burner which acctually works (money isnt an issue) or any other method of training to get rid of the fat. i only want to lose about 5-7kg to get tonned a little more. thankyou very much :]

N your opinion, should high school be extended to five years?

Educators debate extending high school to five years because of increasing demands on students from employers and colleges to participate in extracurricular activities and community service in addition to having high grades. Some educators support extending high school to five years because they think students need more time to achieve all that is expected of them. Other educators do not support extending high school to five years because they think students would lose interest in school and attendance would drop in the fifth year.

Dry skin, scalp and lips.. but why?

Well, for your lips I reccomend neosporin sunscreen yes, for your crazy as it seems, for scalp; Get the dandruff and scalp shampoo.Works really good! Skin; Im not so sure? I have it too although Im always putting lotion on it! But I don't think its cause of your diet or whatever. Thats strange.. Hope I helpedd(:

Alright LGBT. I need your help and opinions?

i suggest you do go along with philosophy. as a math teacher in highschool, yuo can already cover mroe than one subject. for example, if you can teach calculus, you can also teach pre-calculus, algebra 2, etc.... it's all the real same. the only reason you would need to be certified in another subject would be if you taught something specific, say chemistry, then you would probably need to be certified to teach something else.


Why do other races assume black ppl love and eat only KFC? My dad is black, I'm half black and we hate that salty greasy sh*t!

How do i protect my vehicles frame from rusting from road salt and other things?

right now my jeep wranglers frame is rusting away, so im currently trying to find a new vehicles to fix that one, but im concerned on how to keep that one protected so i dont go threw this again, my dad said to just put undercoating on and the rust stops, but i thought once rust starts it keeps going unless you remove it, is there some sort of spray or cleaner i use to stop rust, rather then just cutting and welding new pieces on, any tips on what i should do, i live in pa, so we get a fairly salty winter lol, i just dont want to end up with two rusting frames

How fast does food travel thru your digestive system?

I have just eaten a bowl of salty popcorn and within 30 minutes my digestive system is gurgling or rumbeling and so when I sit on the tolite I get "the poops"... is this the pop corn for it happens almost everytime.

The movie with a normal girl, normal boy and a rich man?

the boy wants that girl, but she's in love with that rich man.. and when the boy is talking to that rich man, he tells him how many smiles she got, and then the rich man tells the girl about it, but he doesn't says the boy told him that, and then she smiles, and asks the rich man, which smile was that, and he doesn't know, and that was the moment she found out she made a mistake bout choosing that rich man instead of that boy.

What are some good songs bout...?

I want some cute songs about remebering the past with your ex boyfriend. It sounds weird i know, but whatever.

Could i be pregnant again this soon?

i just had a baby boy 4 weeks ago. my postpertem bleeding stop bout two weeks after i had him. well on june 27,2011 me and my boyfriend was messin around by him touching his penis to my virgina but he didn't go in me and we didn't have sex either but we were undress from the waist down i think he may of pre came or came near my virgina two days later i started some very light spotting didn't less but that day well tonight my hips are hurting so bad i cant even describe the pain whats gong on

What's wrong with me?? I'm scared about my health?

It sounds as though you are dehydrated. Soda is a diuretic, which means it pulls water out of your body. Tea also does this. Also, the ramen noodles with seasoning salt will cause you to retain fluid, but still be dehydrated. You need to drink WATER. When you are dehydrated you blood pressure typically drops which in turn will make you dizzy. Hope this nformation helps. Good luck to you.

Please help - females only!?

That is not normal Hun go back to the doctor and tell your doctor what is going on and if they can take a sample or something of your discharge and see what it is cuz if it is not bacterial vaginosis then whatever antibiotic they gave u is making it WORSE! please Hun go and get checked! Plus if they say wait a FEW days say no cuz u don't want to get worse if it doesn't go away ok sweetie. I am not trying to be bossy but you really have to get an exam or something.

How many miles is this?

bout how many miles do u think 2,324 steps is? not walking, running at a pretty good pace. my pedometer is dumb and doesnt tell me how many miles, only steps

Can cons really not figure out why home school students and private school students peform better?

All Cons? I don't know what you are getting at. I went to public school. Wish we only had 20-1 ratio in my classes. I was NHS and got a PHD. How are you doing in your intellectual pursuits?

How does it feel like for the time? U kn0w what im talking about.?

Lol, i know u know what i mean. Im 18 and i still havent done it. Yes im scared that i might get preggo & im thingking bout my future. Anyways, how does it feels like doing it (and im asian) and waht dies it feel like after. Does it hurt if its only ur first time?? And for the first timers, what if the guys d_ _ k is huge will it hurts like really bad? How about if its small? Will it feel like fingering urself? I never like that kind i mas2rbation can someobe tell me why? Or uf im doing it wrong?? Can someone olease answer these? Im curious. Hehe, i want an informed answer. Ill give u the highest point!! :)) thanks! :))

What are your thoughts on Bullying/ESL in education as an educator and as a student?

I'm just curious in what other teachers think of this subject...I find this will be very interesting

Fat burners that acctually work?

hey im a 15yr old male, bout 5'9 and weight 92kg. ive being going to the gym for about 2years on and of and have bulked up for my age. as i lost 20kg when i was younger, i still have a bit of exess fat which is blocking my muscle from showing. i eat right and play soccer 6times a week but the fat is stuborn and wont leave. i brought a fat burner called "carnitine". when i got it i lost bout 2kg but then it didnt nothing for me, i was hoping if anyone could help me with a great fat burner which acctually works (money isnt an issue) or any other method of training to get rid of the fat. i only want to lose about 5-7kg to get tonned a little more. thankyou very much :]

Ode to the potato chip?

So we're left with rice cakes? RICE CAKES! I'd rather eat dirt. More flavor, and its probably better for you. Like Miller Lite as a beer. Tastes great! Less filling! No it doesn't, and who cares? Why am I drinking beer? To get DRUNK! ARRRGH! (For further explanation see my avitar...)

Could this be infection?help please?

i have one of my teeth pulled last week,since then i have bad headache, my teeth paining me,i been using mouthwash ,salty water ,but as i said the paine still there ,so what would u think,if u think is infection then what's the best to take,painkiller,antibiotics,(amoxicillin gives me headache),TX in advance

It is believed that fathers are better educators than mothers. What is your opinion?

Not in America, Fathers go to work, and mothers homeschool or help with homework, Or fathers are not even around. I know only 2 fathers that help with the education of their children.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Someone please answer my question because i keep wasting points lol 10points best answer bout ovulation chart?

so i started my period june 25th at 7pm and ended yesterday like at 7pm but still spotting a lil bit today well i took my temp june 27th 5am it was 97.19 then june 28th it was 97. 39 at 5am than this morning it was 97.59 is it suppose to be going up?

What does the candle of santa muerte mean?

its been 3 days since I got the first candle n statue.. Now I look at the candle n is turning blk from the top... Is der a meaning to dat? Does any1 here know bout the santa muerte.. I need gd responds plz..

Swelling in feet and ankles 28 weeks pregnant?

i am 28 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I have had swelling in my feet and ankles. My doctor says all my test and blood pressure have been very good! My gestational diabetes test came back normal. And i do not eat a lot of salty foods. my job though does require me to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day which i know can cause swelling so i do put my feet up whenever i can. Just wanted to know what other people have been doing to help with swelling! Thank you!!

Problems with a project mate?

raise these concerns with him and if you don't get a response then go to the teacher, post haste, this about your grade

Everyone What are you doin on the 4th?

Hey everyone hows it goin..Im just curiouse what everyone is doin this 4th of july.. As for me im thinkin of a cook out .. lite off some fireworks and fire off my salute cannon a time.. How bout you ???

Persuasive Writing: Beginning sentence?

"I strongly agree with..." is a decent thesis statement. With a starting sentence, you should incorporate questions, imagery or a quote to prepare the reader for the main idea of what is to come in the passage. This technique will help students to write very well in years to come.

Why are illegals yelling & screaming demanding there be La Raza studies to demand the US belongs to Mexico?

I agree with 45 auto.Until we Americans DEMAND our govt do something about our illegal problems there will be those that demand we teach our children this crap.What happened to these people living in hiding like Greasy Tony always says.I see them all the time in the ER where I work.

Can i let my cats outside?

I have 2 cats, 1 i rescued when she was a kitten in a shelter..the other i found starved under a bout dock when

Am I on the right path to acceptance at my dream school?

You should be able to. You are very smart just keep up the work and make sure you will be happy at Harvard.

HELP: Is this safe? Want to wash engine and components due to salt-rusting?

I safely cleaned engines and bay areas on three vehicles using spray can products from parts stores. I used foaming type cleaners, not Gunk type de-greasers, following the directions and not using high pressure water. There was no problems with restarting the engines.The plug wires and other components were in good condition. I then wiped all accessible surfaces with a cloth.

I really Like this Girl but I'm not sure?

i really like this girl. we are good friends.Recently a guy who liked her told her his feelings for her and she rejected him. When I asked her the reason she told me that she doesnt believe in love. we speak a lot.....but i am not sure if she considers me a friend or i dont know if i should tell her about my feelings for her or really confused am and totally head over heels for her....wat do i do? i have hinted to her many times that i want to be more than frenz....and i am sure she has got the hint but i dunno wat to bout a years time we may neva see each other again so wat do i do?

For special education teachers: Is it a good idea?

You are sounding like a professional student. If there is some disability you are really interested in, then go for it. If not then just go with what you are finishing up now.

Does the start of my story make any sense?

I could feel the waves pushing me on to the wet sand, the water stinging my eyes. I tilted my head up and cough up a salty spew. The ache my chest reminding me that I was alive. I stare in to the distance, admiring the crimson sunset and sparkling sea.

Should educators or families be responsible for developing the personal identities of young people?

Nope, friends and environment do. But at certain point family and educator shapes personal identity of young people, too.

I really like this guy , i dont know what to do?

so i met this guy lets just say his name is bobby . okay i met bobby a couple years ago, when i met him i was in a relationship with (jimmy) . me and jimmy had a rocky relationship but he was my first love . so bobby really like me , he treated me like a princess, but i didnt seem to appreciate it . so bobby stopped talking to me , i didnt even notice. until a year later me and jimmy broke up , then i texted bobby and he took me back with open hands . but then jimmy appoligized for everything he did so i took jimmy back ,and left bobby hanging again . so ive recently been broken up with jimmy since febuary. i ran into bobby on fb.and im head over heels for him . but he isnt the same towards me . anyway. me and bobby recently hung out and he came over and we didnt do "it" but we got pretty close. & hes talked to me but to a limited extent. . how do i tell him im sorry for the past, how do i get for him to be the old bobby. cause ive told him im sorry becasue i truly am. its just hes all i been thinking bout lately i always have dreams of him . i dont know what to do.

What are some websites where teachers can share activities they have created and download others for free.?

I am a high school math teacher and over the years I have created some interesting things that I would love to share with other educators. What are some websites where teachers can share materials for free?

Does he still like me? Please answer!! I need help!?

Me and this guy who've been friends for two years started dating last yr around april. He pursued me. Long story short, we cut it off In October, just to give some time to ourselves. He started writing me again n January.(he's off @college). I stopped writing him & haven't wrote for a mo. He wrote me another message. Keep in mind were Christians. I asked him 2 mo ago what he thought bout relationships & he said he's trying to focus on God yet he'd love to be in one with me. Does he still like me? What's the deal?

What kinds of resources are available to someone wanting to start out teaching at an urban school?

Stop stereotyping minority people, first of all. You are the supposed professional educator with a degree. If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the fire. Nothing beats a failure but a try!

Sex. D0es it hurt for the first time u do it?

Lol, i know u know what i mean. Im 18 and i still havent done it. Yes im scared that i might get preggo & im thingking bout my future. Anyways, how does it feels like doing it (and im asian) and waht dies it feel like after. Does it hurt if its only ur first time?? And for the first timers, what if the guys d_ _ k is huge will it hurts like really bad? How about if its small? Will it feel like fingering urself? I never like that kind i mas2rbation can someobe tell me why? Or uf im doing it wrong?? Can someone olease answer these? Im curious. Hehe, i want an informed answer. Ill give u the highest point!! :)) thanks! :))

HELP: Is this safe? Want to wash engine and components due to salt-rusting?

This sounds like normal aluminum oxidation. I wouldn't worry about it. It would take caustic cleaners and probable uffing to get rid of them.

My babies dad is a *** hole and don't know what to do!!!?

Kimy I am 38 and have a now 19 year old son. I went through a lot with my son's father many years ago. I don't know what your situation is, but if he persists, you need to call the police. And do it every time. Save everything. This creates a paper trail. As far as your little girl, she does not need to know, don't let her hear these things. My ex husband was violent, bipolar, a drug addict and alcoholic and I made the HUGE mistake of telling my son the truth about his dad. Now, he resents me, and tells people he had a bad childhood, and that his father would not of turned out that way if I had not divorced him. I struggle for many years to give him things, and his father never concerned himself with our son. I got a meager 108.74 in child support. I had his wages garnished so I did not have to see him. If I had to do it over again, I would have moved. Now my son acts a lot like him. Since my ex husband had and to this day still lives with his mother, she was the one that would take me to court when I was trying to keep my son away from his bad behavior. A judge will almost always be lenient to a father. It is hard to terminate their visitation even if it is in the best interest of your child. He is angry at you, and will do anything to make you miserable, he is immature. A guy like him will never look at it and say this is the mother of my child, what do they need, how can I help? He will not change. If you stay there, he will always be a thorn at your side. I would not want to see anyone go through what I went through, and am still going through. If moving is not an option now, work on making it one. Put back money. Get as far away from him for the sake of your daughter. IF seeing him treat you that way, it will cause dysfunction between you and your daughter, she could very well pick up on that behavior and and direct it towards you. You just don't know how a child processes observing violent behavior in someone, how it will effect them. Shower her with love, kisses, hugs everyday. Make that bond between the two of you strong.

Got a new puppy and my dog isnt happy bout it?

well you wanna try and spend time with them together at the same time and if she bosses your dog around tell the puppy NO!

Terrible mess at my job and not my fault, how do I clean it up?

I don't know what you are not saying, but I am 100% certain it is the REAL problem. It sounds like the first step in resolving the issue is to talk to a counselor to figure out what YOUR issue is. I am not saying the school is not at fault, but I am convinced that MOST of the issue is in your head.

Iphone 3 problems HELPPP!?

Just recently when alltel went to At&t i decided to get the Iphone 3. Yes its a refurbished. & right away when i got it i have been having issues with it. I've been having problems were the brightness doesn't always like to go on right away, it can b a whole hour before it turns fully bright! At my mom's house her wifi is on all the time and i have my old ipod and it connects to the wifi here all the time with no problem, my iphone is the exact opposite, it will every now and than connect but after aout 10 minutes it will stop connecting. & now today i was trying to send a message to one of my friends and it will get to bout 80% then it will have a message error. Ok i checked im on 4 bars. I have mm messaging & group messaging on. I have 3g on but its being a butt. & The problem i have had with At&t is that my dad signed me up on a data service and i can't go on the internet! Ok so we spent money on nothing? Im real happy now. I have been wanting to bring my phone into At&T but they would probably say i did something to it and will have to buy a new one. Ok im only 15 im broke and this phone i have been really gentle with, i clean it regularly and i've only dropped it once but it has a hard cover over it. Help! :(

Can too much salt make you sick?

I had a curry and it was very salty within seconds of eating it i felt like pins and needles in my chest.I didn't finish all the curry but ate most of it, about 5 Min's later i went dizzy and i was sweating all night i don't have high blood pressure it has always been low .I was just wondering if i had a salt overdose.i have asked this question before but we all still talk about this at work as i wasn't the only person ill that night.

Please help mee! what do you thing we are?!?

alright. so i met this guy at a dance and besically he approached me because i wasnt slutty and i turned him down when he tried to grind with me (pretty funny). anyways we met may 22 i think and we called it "chilling" together. not dating, or going out. we have been "chilling" every weekend, we hook up a lot and we get along very wellll. he is sooo sweet and nice. we text like all day!! yesterday i went to his house for the first time... all i can say is that he was a huuuge creep!! but i didnt really say/ do anything bout it. we were in his bed just cuddling and macing. but then he undid my belt and shorts. he didnt try to do anything, but he was kinda hinting that he wanted to finger me. he was saying "well my hands in your control, you make it do what ever you want" and me acting dumb said "well its your hand, do what ever you want with it" so he just kept on joking arround saying that it does what ever i want, and then he was like " well my fingers are working" and i just laughed. i actually have never liked a guy like him before, he treats me so well and doesnt pressure me to do anything i dont wanna do. even though he was a bit of a creep yesterday, i still like him. but the problem is.. i dont know what we are!! i feel like we are together right? but we arent even facebook official! we never talk about our relationship, and im not going to bring it up because im scared itll ruin things.... what do you guys think about all this? thank you!! and sorry for the long story.

Crested geckos? Answers need alot of answers!?

Im going to get my gecko on this friday and we are leaving for a 2 mayb 3 day trip early this sunday morning. Will my new baby crested gecko be ok with some CGD in his bowl and a water dish or will the diet mold in 2-3 days.and without misting just a water bowl?And will my turtles be ok without food for 2-3 days they r baby not hatchling almost juvey. PLease make sure u know what ur talking bout so i dont come back to a dead gecko! wherever u found the page please give me the link so i can read were it says they wont die! thx

Monday, July 11, 2011

I have long blond hair and i wanna grow it out more its bout 5 inch past my shoulder wat r things i can do?

By the time school starts I wanna have my hair grow as fast and long as I can get it I having had a hair cut in like 5 months n I'm starting to LOVE how long its getting Its not really long but to me it is. I dnt wanna get it cut because I finely like how long it is. What are things I can do!?!?!

Moving Air and Air Pressure?


To become an ESL teacher, how much schooling do I need?

I am currently a junior political science major, I understand that to become a certified TESOL I would need to probably pursue education at the master's level. The main question is do I necessarily need to be bilingual? I understand it would make a better educator but could I still be successful in the career and attain a job if I am not fluent in another language?